How Workaholics Can Effectively Enjoy Their Annual Holiday Breaks

It’s a sad fact that many people seem to bypass their holidays in favour of working. British Airways has recently released survey results that more than half of the UK workforce does not take advantage of their vacation allowances. Also, the study states that more than 20 million Briton employees do not use up their standard four-day annual work holidays. Since workaholics are now considered a standard and not a sickness in the corporate world, this is an ongoing international trend, and you are losing out if you are one of these individuals. That being said, consider these pointers when taking a vacation:

Go Abroad

One of the biggest issues that most families and friends have with their vacationing workaholics is that they seem to always bring their work along with them. Although it may seem impossible for these busy bees to let go of workload even for a day, they shouldn’t overdo it by focusing on those alone. There are a number of attractions abroad, such as the interesting Merlion on Sentosa in Singapore, which offers unfamiliar sights and new experiences for all ages and interests. Even if there are still ways to connect to the office via phone or the Internet, the introduction of a new country and culture is a great way to distract one’s self from work.

Travel with a Group

If you’re a family man, bring your wife and kids along. If you’re single, bring your friends along. For those who are close to their family, treat your parents or other close relatives by asking them to join you on your holiday trip. For those who prefer not to spend too much on their vacation, ask your family and friends if you can visit them and stay over. The idea of having people along with you is to keep you focused on them and your vacation. This is one of the greatest deterrents from checking one’s phone and laptop since they will be demanding your attention. Better yet, ask them to remind you nicely when you’re already too engrossed in your emails and online activities.

Gather New Connections

For those who can’t let go of their work completely and have no one to distract them, consider new vacation arrangements created for people like you. There are travel agencies that can arrange your trip with like-minded individuals, and this can be a chance to expand your network while enjoying yourself. Make new connections by acquainting yourself with locals who have similar interests and industries as yours. Gather contact details from companies and businesses within your vacation venue. You can ask for an appointment with them while enjoying the local tourist sights and attractions. They would probably be happy to tour you and introduce the best places and treats that are famous in their localities. That’s hitting two birds with one stone, as long as you don’t forget to enjoy yourself.

Do not forget that if you don’t take the opportunity to use your annual holiday leaves, all these pointers won’t do you any good. Unfortunately, this means passing up the chances of bettering yourself, improving your performance upon getting back to work, and losing out on connecting with important industries and individuals. Remember: don’t take your vacations and breaks lightly because they can offer you so much in a personal and professional sense.

By Bonnie Rush

Bonnie is always on the road with some amazing adventures ahead. Her favorite continent is South America and she’s passionate about culture-focused traveling and ethical and sustainable tourism. During her time in university as a research assistant for a sociology professor, she realized she can’t fully understand cultures from a safe distance. She quit her job to become a full-time “voluntourist,” which brings her to places where she can immerse in local communities and support their causes. On top of writing, one of Bonnie’s priorities is offering women advice on how to stay safe while solo backpacking.

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