Important Things to Consider When Traveling During the Pandemic

In the face of a public health crisis, the last thing that many individuals think of is traveling to other places. There’s a reason why many authorities decide that it’s best for many individuals to stay at home rather than going out all the time: to minimize transmission of COVID-19. But even though staying at home is the safest way of not getting infected by airborne diseases, that doesn’t mean that people should just be staying at home.

But there are still many questions that most avid hikers, digital nomads, and travelers will need answers to. However, many of the answers to these questions regarding flight cancellations, quarantines, and which destinations are available during these tumultuous times are always changing.

In the past few months, confidence is slowly surging, and many businesses are starting to re-open with the rollout of vaccines that can help counter the symptoms of SARS-CoV 2. Not only will this help bring much of the economy back from a global recession, but this will also bring much of the social ecosystem back to “normal.” However, travelers and outdoor enthusiasts shouldn’t let their guard down while they are still traveling.

So what are some important things that you’ll need to consider? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Should You Be Traveling?

Well, we’re not necessarily encouraging you to travel during these uncertain times, but you can still travel to certain destinations as long as you are abiding by safety protocols and rules that are set up by the local governing body.

Theoretically, many experts would hypothesize that being in an open-air environment is better than staying inside an establishment or building that doesn’t have an effective ventilation system. In other studies, rural areas are less likely to be affected by COVID-19 cases since the lower population density means that there are fewer chances of getting infected.

That said, it might be better to stay in remote areas than in urban metropolitan areas. But that doesn’t mean that the likelihood of getting infected is impossible.

The short answer? You can travel, but it’s best to limit yourself to rural areas rather than going to crowded and high-profile locations. But there are still a lot of factors that have to be taken into consideration.

Consider Where You Are Going

First thing’s first, one of the most important things you will need to consider when you are traveling is the location. Luckily, there is a multitude of countries that have opened up their borders since last January.

Normally, you’ll need to ensure that documents are in order before traveling. Your passport is considered to be one of the most important gateways to these destinations and should be the first thing you’ll need to take care of. In some countries, renewing passport and services have resumed, although there are some delays to this.

It’s also important to ensure that the airlines that you are utilizing will have a reasonable cancellation policy or offer free rebookings.

Consider The Current Cases In The Region

Next, it’s important to consider the current COVID-19 cases in a certain region. So far, Africa and Asia are known for having a relatively low number of cases, as compared to other continents.

Much of Africa has been placing a lot of emphasis on its travel and tourism industry. One particular country in the East African region, Kenya, is known for having a steady growth in its tourism industry. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry is known for making rapid changes to ensure that tourists are safe and secure despite rises in cases. Although, most would say that Africa isn’t hit as hard as countries in Europe, South America, and North America.

Fortunately, many businesses are starting to re-open. If you’re an avid fan of safari and animals, you might want to consider Kenya’s safari tours which are known for placing a lot of emphasis on its safety.


There are a variety of factors and concerns that you will need to consider if you want to travel. Still, it’s important to take a step back and plan things ahead of time. Staying at home is an adjustment for all of us and can be mentally taxing for many individuals that are used to traveling and being in many places.

Fortunately, there is still a plethora of places that you can visit even during these uncertain times. You don’t necessarily have to limit yourself to tourist attractions in urban areas since there are a lot of beautiful hotels, resorts, and beaches that aren’t too crowded. If there is one thing that travelers are good at, it’s adapting o any situation. As long as you are wearing your face mask and sanitizing your hands, then you’ll be fine. If you are experiencing symptoms of health complications, then you might want to consult a healthcare worker regarding your situation.

By Bonnie Rush

Bonnie is always on the road with some amazing adventures ahead. Her favorite continent is South America and she’s passionate about culture-focused traveling and ethical and sustainable tourism. During her time in university as a research assistant for a sociology professor, she realized she can’t fully understand cultures from a safe distance. She quit her job to become a full-time “voluntourist,” which brings her to places where she can immerse in local communities and support their causes. On top of writing, one of Bonnie’s priorities is offering women advice on how to stay safe while solo backpacking.

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