How You Can Work And Travel At The Same Time

For those who love to travel, there is always a dream to find a job that allows you to travel and go wherever you want, whenever you want. 

The problem is that there are very few jobs that allow you to take more than a few days off to follow your dreams, and even those days and weeks have to be booked weeks or months in advance, allowing little opportunity for spontaneity or freedom.

However, there are jobs out there for people who want to work and travel, whether that is online language tutoring or doing some ad-hoc trucking work. Here, we look at how you can work and travel at the same time. 

Traveling with your current job

Before you hand in your notice of resignation to your current job, stop. What if there was a way to travel and stay in your current job, especially if you enjoy it? Many jobs are actually pretty easy to do remotely, and you may be surprised to see how responsive your employer is to allow you to work while you are traveling.

Before you launch into asking to do your entire job remotely, broach the subject and see how you get on by requesting to work at home for one or two days a week. Perhaps you can do it on either side of the weekend so that you can travel over the weekend. You can then see whether traveling and working remotely has any effect on the quality of your work or productivity. 

Setting up yourself

Of course, not every job lends itself to working remotely, and not every employee is on board with letting you do so. If this is the case, you may want to look at setting up yourself and going alone.

We are going to assume that you have an idea for a remote business – perhaps freelancing, online tutoring, web design, etc, and now need to know how you go about doing it while you are traveling.

Build a remote office

Even with the most flexible of jobs, you probably do not want to be every day, so setting up some sort of temporary base is ideal. You can stay a short while – but not settle permanently. This gives you the bonus of having more time to explore and get to know an area, perhaps get involved with a new culture, and make new connections.. You do not need a lot –  somewhere comfortable to work and reliable access to the internet is pretty much the only necessities.

Join online work communities and digital nomad groups

Congratulations – you can now call yourself a digital nomad! You may find that you miss the support, camaraderie, and networking of the office. That is a common feeling amongst remote workers, but when you potentially have no permanent base it can be even more isolating at times. Look online and on social media to see if there are any digital nomad groups or events that you can join or attend to keep up that social side of work.

By Bonnie Rush

Bonnie is always on the road with some amazing adventures ahead. Her favorite continent is South America and she’s passionate about culture-focused traveling and ethical and sustainable tourism. During her time in university as a research assistant for a sociology professor, she realized she can’t fully understand cultures from a safe distance. She quit her job to become a full-time “voluntourist,” which brings her to places where she can immerse in local communities and support their causes. On top of writing, one of Bonnie’s priorities is offering women advice on how to stay safe while solo backpacking.

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