How to Propose on Vacation

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and propose to your significant other while you’re away from home. Congratulations! Here’s what you need to know about how to propose on vacation.

Location, Location, Location

One of the most important things to consider when proposing on vacation is where you will do it. After all, the location will set the mood for the proposal itself. You’ll want to choose a place that is special to both of you, and that will be meaningful long after the trip is over.

For example, if you met while traveling, you might want to propose at the spot where you first laid eyes on each other. Or, if you have always dreamed of getting married in a certain country or city, why not make that dream come true by popping the question while you’re there? No matter where you choose to propose, make sure it’s somewhere your partner will love.

The Ring

No proposal is complete without an engagement ring. And while it may be tempting to buy the ring before your trip and pack it away in your luggage, this is not always advised. Not only is there a risk that the ring could get lost or stolen, but there’s also the very real possibility that your partner will find it before you have a chance to propose.

If possible, try to buy the ring once you’re already at your destination. That way, you can be sure it stays safe until it’s time to pop the question.

The Surprise Factor

Remember that a proposal is still a surprise—even if you’re planning it together! If possible, try to keep the details of your proposal a secret from your partner until the big moment arrives. That way, they’ll be truly surprised when you get down on one knee. Of course, this isn’t always possible, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

To keep your proposal plans under wraps, get a trusted confidante. It’s important to have someone you can trust to confide in about your proposal plans. This person can help you keep things under wraps and can be a sounding board for your ideas. Just make sure that you pick someone who is good at keeping secrets!

Also, try to act like nothing’s up. The more normal you act, the fewer people will suspect that something is going on.

If you’re usually chatty, don’t go MIA for days on end just because you’re trying to keep your plans a secret. People will start to get suspicious. Instead, act like everything is business as usual.

Finally, don’t give away any clues. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to ensure you’re not accidentally giving away clues about your proposal plans. If you’re talking about marriage in general, avoid dropping any hints about your own intentions. And whatever you do, don’t post anything about your plans on social media!

Make the Most of It

After proposing, it can help to make the most out of the vacation by getting ahead on the wedding planning. So, if you’re looking to check a few things off your list while also enjoying some time away, why not kill two birds with one stone by visiting a wedding venue or two while on vacation?

To do it without feeling overwhelmed, start by setting a budget and creating a rough guest list. This will help you quickly eliminate any venue options that are out of your price range or won’t be able to accommodate all of your guests. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to start looking into specific locations.

If you’re not sure where to begin, try talking to friends or family who may have gotten married recently. They may have some great recommendations for places to check out. Once you have a few ideas, hop online and start reading reviews. Or, better yet, head to TripAdvisor and see what other couples had to say about their experience with different wedding venues in the area.

Finally, narrow down your options and start scheduling appointments. When meeting with venue coordinators, be sure to ask plenty of questions and take plenty of pictures or videos. That way, you’ll have something to reference when making your final decision.

Proposing on vacation can be a great way to add an extra dose of romance to an already special event. But before you get down on one knee, there are a few things you should keep in mind—from choosing the perfect location to keeping your engagement ring safe and sound. By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your proposal will go off without a hitch!

By Bernard San Juan III

Bernard is a recreational lone traveler, looking for the next hiking adventure ideally in the winter/spring seasons. His favorite hiking locations are the Philippines, Hong Kong and the Kansai Area of Japan. He published his travels on his Youtube Channel "Wandelust" for the most important person in his life - his Mom.

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